Being an author is like being in charge of your own personal insane asylum.

- Graycie Harmon

Monday, November 22, 2010

Weekend Stuff

Stuff is officially the technical term, in case you were wondering.

Last weekend (that would be the weekend just finished for those who are unfamiliar with the nomenclature of 'this weekend' meaning the weekend coming up) was a great time.

Friday night, J.M-B. hosted a marvellous Harry Potter evening. We sat around and talked over such delicacies as 'Crookshanks' Hair Balls' (they were actually very tasty) and 'Devils on Horseback' (which are my favourite things to make). We drank warm Butter Beer and talked and laughed. Some of us watched a Harry Potter home movie created by J.M-B. and starring her family members, and a large cast of teddy bears. She was in grade 7, I believe, when she made these Harry Potter films. Yep. This gal was destined to work in the film industry!

Around about 7:30 we all piled into a couple of cars... well, one car and one van, and we headed down to South Keys, Cinema No. 10, to watch the latest instalment of Harry Potter. I have to admit, I was impressed. I generally enjoy the Harry Potter films very much and this one did not disappoint. My absolute favourite part of the film was the animation of the tale of the three brothers.

Another favourite of mine, though it wasn't in the film itself, was the young man behind my row who clearly needed to read the books. I can't remember everything he said, but the two that did stand out were:

As Hermione is pulling objects from her bag, "Her bag has everything!"

and (spoiler alert),

"Oh no! Not Dobby! He's my favourite character!"

There were other amusing exclamations that had me giggling furiously throughout the film.

All in all, it was a great night. Before you ask, yes, we went in costume. Well, most of us, at any rate. It was an evening that called for costumes. Yes, we're geeks. I would like to proudly point out that we weren't the only ones. To those brave souls who were at the 8:30pm showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1, good on ya!

Saturday and Sunday did not stand out. Saturday was Lion Dance practice and teaching Kung Fu as usual. Sunday was a blissful day of not much at all. I lounged around, watched some BBC's Merlin to catch up, did a load of laundry, organised the dishes, and watched Qi until late in the night. It was the first day in a long, long time that I had the opportunity to do nothing, and I took full advantage of it!

My rest time is over, however. I must edit my synopsis, something that is like to take well under an hour, as it is only two pages. Then I must write my cover letter. Then I must turn my attention back to the manuscript for the third and final round of edits. I won't be finished by the first of the month, I fear. The deadline is fast approaching (Dec 31st, for the forgetful), and I have to get cracking!

On that note, have a lovely Monday everyone! Back to work for me.

2 comments: said...

Wiiiicked! I have yet to see it... I heard lots of negative feedback. Which is good. That way I don't get my hopes up. And I don't get disappointed. It's all about expectations.

Oh and I saw Cedric Diggory on Halloween night! I was going door to door for the Food Bank "Trick or Eat"... and I knew right away that's who he was! Not Harry, not Ron, not any other Hogwarts students... He WAS Cedric Diggory. (hawt!)

S.M. Carrière said...

I tend not to listen to reviews overmuch. I usually find I disagree with them. It was good.

I understand now why they split the book in 2. It really isn't just a money grab (though it certainly is that), it actually services the story better. There is far too much going on to be covered by a single film.

There were bound to be many Harry Potter costumes on Hallowe'en. I was never much of a Cedric Diggory girl. I was more of an Oliver Wood kinda gal...