Being an author is like being in charge of your own personal insane asylum.

- Graycie Harmon

Thursday, November 25, 2010

It's John Preece

To amend my post yesterday, I have it on good authority both here and facebook, that the actor whose name I could not remember is John Preece.

Mr. Preece played a spectacular Tevye at the N.A.C. Tuesday night.

Writing wise, I'm making good progress. I reached my goal of 100 pages yesterday, and will be aiming for the same today. The 100 pages I edited yesterday were nowhere near as terrible as the first 100 pages - not so many missing words! If I manage the 100 pages today, I may do overtime tomorrow and have finish the rest. I was intending to finish it Monday, and finishing ahead of schedule will make me very happy.

I like to be happy.

There isn't much else to say. Starting this evening, I'll be dog-sitting for a friend who will be away in London for the weekend (which means no training - boo!). The cats are well looked after, so I don't have to worry so much, though I do feel bad leaving them. Ah well, it's not for long!

Also, Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends. I hope you have a lovely weekend!

Righto, I must get stuck into work. Have a good Thursday!

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