Being an author is like being in charge of your own personal insane asylum.

- Graycie Harmon

Monday, October 5, 2009

Thank-you, Kittens and Other Things

Hi everyone,

I think I saw some sun peeping through the clouds this morning, and that has put me in a wonderful mood. I felt like I was living in Britain with all the cloud and rain that we've had for days on end. It's nice to see the colour yellow in the sky, let me tell you!

Right, on to business. The Run for the Cure was held on Saturday. My beautiful, friend Trina ran with a spectacular time of 43:00 (hell, I can't run at all, so I'm in awe of the time!). Her fund-raising goal was $150.00 and thanks to your generosity, she managed to raise $555.00!

An enormous, shining thank-you from the deepest place of my heart for your help with her fund-raising efforts. You are all heroes and I heart you all!

Our kittens celebrate their one month birthday on the 7th of this month. They have started to roam from their "cave" (read here: my wardrobe) into the bright world of my bedroom. On Friday, they made it as far as under my bed (about a foot away from the wardrobe). By last night, they were happily out of my bedroom and trundling down the hall. It's the cutest thing in the world because they still haven't gotten used to their legs yet and they are continually tripping over themselves, each other and any object they stumble across. It's even more adorable when they play-fight with each other, their uncoordinated pouncing generally turns into a turtle-like attempt to get back on their feet. They make me so happy!

In other, very happy news, I've had a couple more comments on

This is amazingly well-written and the topic really interests me. I love love love it! great despricption and beautiful imagery. One of the best I've read here. Beautiful! You definitely have a talent and I can't wait till you upload more. I will def. be reading on. this has caught my interest. shelved.
-Cara (first, to dream of love)


There is more than a nod to Lord of the Rings here. This seems like a story played on an epic scale. Your prologue is rich and full-bodied, it sets the perfect tone that you are about to embark on some magnificent journey. Once the book got underway though I did feel like I should have been taking notes. There was a concern that I might not remember all these names and various facts, which were important for the future story and which were superfluous? This is a book that will be embraced by the hard-core Fantasy lover. I might not be one but I know what they like, so I'm sure that this will do well when it finds it's audience. What I will say it that for your writing ability alone, I'm happy to back your book.

Sigh. Life is good today! That's it from me. Have a happy Monday everyone!

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