Being an author is like being in charge of your own personal insane asylum.

- Graycie Harmon

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Reason I am a Dork #45

I often listen to epic music. I have an album from Two Steps from Hell on my iPod that I happened to be listening to on my way to work this morning. Then this song played:

Incidentally, this is the album cover. Also, buy this album. It's frikkin' amazing!

And that rewrite I've been dreading playing in full force in my mind. I can't really describe it here, because it's a HUGE spoiler (my flatmate knows, though). Sufficed to say, this is Edward's theme, not least of all because of the title, and it made me cry.

That's right. I randomly burst into tears on the footpath as I walked to work. Thank heavens for slightly oversized sunglasses!

Yup, I'm a dork!

In other news on the same series, remember when I felt so disheartened by the last rejection I received? Well, I had asked a friend of mine, who is published, to give my manuscript a read and tell me what she thought. Yesterday evening on facebook, she posted this on her wall:

I'm just popping on here to say that I'm reading a fabulous fantasy novel right now. S.M. Carrière,

you are awesome!! :O) OK, back to reading!

Which made me smile. Of course, the manuscript isn't perfect, and she has some suggestions, but all the same, I was thrilled. Now I don't feel so badly about it and I no longer think I suck as a writer.

...Until the next rejection, that is.

So, I'm a mixed bag of emotions at the moment. Today, I think, I'll be diving into that rewrite. In any case, I'm up to the day of battle that it happens. Best get it out the way, really.

I should get to it, I suppose. Have a great Tuesday all!


A thing devoted to God... to atone for the violent death of a man by misadventure; from Deo dandum [Latin, "that which is given to God"].
- Nathan Bailey's Universal Etymological English Dictionary, 1742

If a man falls from a boat or ship in fresh water and is drowned, it hath been said that the vessel and cargo are, in strictness of law, a deodand.
- William Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England, 1769

If a man, being upon a cart carrying faggots, ... fall downe by the moving of one of the horses of the cart, and die of it, both that and all the other horses in the cart, and the cart itselfe, are forfeit. And these are called deodands.
- Sir Henry Finch's Law; or, A Discourse Thereof in Four Books, 1613.

My spell checker had a field day with that last one.

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