Being an author is like being in charge of your own personal insane asylum.

- Graycie Harmon

Monday, September 13, 2010


I should really say 'filming' in the title to be absolutely correct, but it isn't nearly as intriguing as the word 'shooting.' That says a lot, doesn't it?

In any case, I was away from town all weekend. My flatmate and I were up at her grandparents' cottage. We headed up Saturday afternoon and returned late Sunday night. It was absolutely wonderful to be out of the city! No internet, no phone, just the lake, the breeze, and a good read. The good read came in very handy when, on Sunday, it started to rain in the early afternoon and did not stop at all.

Reason for journey no. 1 - to film scenes for the 'The Dying God' book trailer.

Reason for journey no. 2 - to get the hell out of the city!

We got all the footage we need, and I'm quite excited about what J.M-B. will cobble together. I owe her so much for this. She's a superstar!

So, if you were wondering where I was all weekend, that's where.

Now that I'm back in the city, and back at work, I have to go over The Osprey and the Crow. There's some fixing up to do. I have three more Beta Readers to hear from as well. We'll see what they have to say!

Also, training begins again this evening. I am ridiculously excited to be getting back to kick-boxing!

Right, I have work to do, and so do you! Have a great Monday everyone.

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