Being an author is like being in charge of your own personal insane asylum.

- Graycie Harmon

Monday, January 25, 2010

Behind Again!

UGH! I was feverish and didn't write anything on Friday, which means I'm behind my target another 3 000 words. I would like to catch up today, if possible. That means I have to write 6 000 words today.

Kill. Me. Now.

Of course, it's not such a big deal if I don't do all 6 000 words to day (I just have to do more than my regular 3 000 words). If I do 4 000 words, I'd call that a victory. I'd just slowly catch up during the rest of the week, I suppose. Ugh, all the same!

It's critical that I stay on target for this one though, as soon it will be midterm time. That doesn't mean anything to anyone who isn't in University, but I'll be marking those midterms, and the classes can get very big. The Celtic Woman: Myth and Reality is a very popular course at the University of Ottawa (hell, I took it when I was at University), and since I get paid by the University to mark those papers, all my energy will be focused on them. Then after the midterms are marked and handed back, in come the essays, after which come the exams. It's a very busy time of year for me.

That means, rather sadly, Seraphimè, Book 2 (I really have to find a better title), will be on the back-burner until the school year is out. So, I must get to it!

Now that I've done complaining (the truth is, I really like being a corrector for the Celtic Studies classes. It keeps me up to date with the latest in my chosen field of academia), it's on to things you might find interesting.

I'm not in or even near Brooklyn, but those who are may want to check this out:
I'd go, if I were nearby.

And yet more searches from Moscow:

Date: January 21, 2010
Time: 5:45 PM EST

Date: January 24, 2010
Time: 9:15 PM EST

I got one from Tampa, Florida:

Date: January 23, 2010
Time: 7:47 AM EST

And one from an unknown location... but they found me through a photography search:

Search Engine:
Search Terms: No specific terms used
Visitor Location: N/A
Date: January 22, 2010
Time: 7:33 PM EST

So... hello everyone!

That's it from me. I have to sign off and get working on that catch up! Until the morrow, then!

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