Being an author is like being in charge of your own personal insane asylum.

- Graycie Harmon

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Aching Like You Wouldn't Believe


I am so very, very sore this morning. The first time on horseback in a very long time has me walking like John Wayne. The muscles on my inner thigh have decided to protest almost audibly. They've stopped working. I literally need to use my hands to help myself cross my own darned legs.

The first two nights of Chinese Martial Arts training has every other part of me aching in protest (though nowhere nearly as strongly as those thigh muscles).

My muscles are in such a state, it took me ten whole minutes longer to walk into work today, making me a couple of minutes late (hence the tardy post today). Oops!

I knew I was moving slower despite working harder, and would thus be late, when a man with a cane overtook me on the footpath.

My pride will never recover.

It's always like this the first two odd weeks back at training. I ache and can't move properly and am constantly tired and grumpy. After about two weeks, I fall back into the routine and everything is much smoother.

For all the aches and pain and difficulty moving, I absolutely adore what I do: Equestrian Archery, Kick-boxing, Kung Fu and Chinese Weapons... If the world ever ends, I'm prepared!

News on Overlord has improved. It took me all day, but I've been through all 407 pages doing a very preliminary edit (spelling, grammar, and plot things that are large enough for me to detect and fix quickly). Today will be spent formatting. Once that's done, I can safely leave the novel and work on something else.

I've downloaded free script-writing software, so I might play around with that for a little bit in preparation for next year's Script Frenzy in April. I'm planning ahead, I know.

Onto today's Forgotten English and thence formatting.

Pay in Cats

To pay in cats and dogs is to pay, not in cash, but in inconvenient or useless commodoties.
- Richard Thornton's American Glossary, 1912.

I should note here that I am copying these definitions faithfully from my Forgotten English 2011 Calendar, and that any spelling errors belong to that calendar. I've been assuming that it is because these definitions were written (mostly) before spelling was formalised. It could also just be a printer's typographical error. Who knows?

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