Being an author is like being in charge of your own personal insane asylum.

- Graycie Harmon

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Lovely Morning

Isn't it wonderful when you come into work to discover a gift on your desk?

My sister G.C. and her husband D.H. sent off Christmas presents a little late this year, and to my father's address (where I would be staying for a few days). It didn't arrive in time for Christmas, but I expect it arrived only a few days later. The reason I'm only getting it now is because my father has been away from the office (yes, we both work at the same office), working another job for a couple of weeks.

It was a book - Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki. That should be an interesting read!

Thanks G.C. and D.H.! I love you!

In writing news, yesterday was a dismal day for writing. I only just made 1 000 words, and hang my head in shame. I have to write 5 000 words today to catch up. Not sure if I can. We'll just have to see.

In other news, my first day of training after three weeks off happened last night. 3 hours of intense physical exercise. Alright, fine. I took several breaks (and one fairly long one), so it probably accumulated to only about two and half or something.

I am so sore! My arms ache. My thighs are incapable of brining me down a set of stairs without assistance, and my back is a little tight. It's a good sore, if there is such a thing. I should say, it's a satisfying sore.

It felt really, really good to be training again. Really good. It's funny how much I miss it without realising I missed it.

Alright, that's enough adoration for training. I shall leave off here and go write. Before I do that, however, here's the Forgotten English word of the day (which is a phrase today):

Gone to Texas:
An American expression for one who has decamped, leaving debts behind. It was, and is, no unusual thing for a man to display this notice - perhaps only the initials "G.T.T." on his door for the callers after he has absconded.
- Trench Johnson's Phrases and Names: Their Origins and Meanings, 1906


Debbie Maxwell Allen said...

I'd be thrilled if I wrote 1K yesterday. Sadly, it was a day of driving on icy roads. Hopefully, I'll get more done today!


S.M. Carrière said...

1 000 words does seem to be the average, and it is a worthy goal, 'tis true!